New Vision Bradford Launches CPR Campaign

A group of volunteers from New Vision Bradford have been trained to be Community Trainers for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
This is part of a new campaign called ‘Beating Hearts’, launched by the service in which volunteers will teach CPR to as many people as possible across our service.
The aim is for more people within our community to know how to do CPR, leading to better outcomes for people who suffer a cardiac arrest.
Dave Jones, Community Engagement Manager with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service said: “It is fantastic that New Vision Bradford has partnered with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service to allow its service users access to CPR training, a group who are often overlooked for opportunities. We look forward to the new partnership.
“We know that in many medical emergencies the first few minutes are critical and if effective treatment can be performed within those first minutes, lives can be saved and disability reduced.
“The importance of the Chain of Survival, including early recognition, calling 999, bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation, cannot be underestimated. Currently only 1 in 10 people will survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest.
“The more people who understand the benefit of performing CPR and are willing to have a go the greater the chance a person has of surviving.”
Becky Norton, Assistant Director at New Vision Bradford said: “I’m incredibly excited about the beating hearts campaign. What an amazing opportunity for our people to learn the skills they need to save a life! We are very proud to work in partnership with Yorkshire Ambulance service and looking forward to seeing how this develops.”
Michelle Mawdsley one of the Beating Hearts volunteers said: “I am excited to be involved in this project to try and make a difference, build my own self-confidence, and share these new skills with others. It is great to be part of a team that are supporting others to learn lifesaving skills.”
This training was funded by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity